Perlitas who left the speech of the State of the Union of Donald Trump – 02/06/2019


What a night last night. Tuesday's speech in prime time in the United States It was one of the most anticipated of the year. Not only because Donald Trump presented the State of the Union to the nation, but also because this presentation was delayed by the recent government shutdown and because it was the first time Trump had delivered such an important speech in the House. overwhelmed by the opposition.

But beyond political messages – some of conciliation and others of confrontation – The night had its memorable moments.

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What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

Monday to Friday afternoon.

The #PelosiClap

for example applause of the veteran democrat Nancy Pelosi, "the enemy shadow" of Trump and Speaker of the House of Representatives, who sat behind the President throughout the speech.

In the networks, they created a tag: the #PelosiClap or #AplausoPelosi. And it was one of the most popular memes of the night.

The applause of Nancy Pelosi, a meme in the networks. / Twitter

The applause of Nancy Pelosi, a meme in the networks. / Twitter

The applause is the least applause: the position of the arms, the hands twisted. Why did he applaud anyway? Because the president had just called to engage in politics. And Nancy applauded (like that).

Women in white and other controversial applause

The members of the Democratic Congress have decided to go all white to the speech. The number of women on Capitol Hill is the largest in history. And his dress so clear was used to compare its quantity to that of his male peers. And that had to be stressed. They posed together and took selfies (several).

Democratic deputies take selfies. / AFP

Democratic deputies take selfies. / AFP

To dress in white was a tribute to the pioneers who fought for universal suffrage, regardless of bad.

Look also

Pelosi was one of dozens of women whose clothes were especially distinguished in a Congress traditionally dominated by men and their dark costumes.

Nobody thought white Democrats would applaud a president with a complicated story with the opposite bad. In fact, they first heard the words of the head of state silent, serious and stoic.

Democratic legislators listen carefully Trump./ AFP

Democratic legislators listen carefully Trump./ AFP

However, when Trump said that women "They provided 58% of new jobs created last year ", they burst into euphoria.

Democratic lawmakers in full swing AFP / AFP

Democratic lawmakers in full swing AFP / AFP

While many have quickly hinted that the President did not intend to badociate his comments on employment with the electoral victory of Democratic women, Mr. Trump did not not hesitate to congratulate the arrival of a greater number of women among the legislators on Capitol Hill.

The special guest who has fallen asleep

Who could not stand it anymore and fell asleep one of the special guests, that presidents usually carry their speeches. That's why, on Tuesday night, Grace Eline, a girl who recently defeated brain cancer, was at the forefront. There were also relatives of an elderly Nevada couple who were allegedly killed last month by an immigrant who was living illegally in the country, an opiate addict who does not consume more than a year ago , two members of the security forces, a survivor of a shootout against a mosque and the father of a victim of an attack committed in Yemen by Al Qaeda.

And I was Joshua Trump, a primary school student who is harbaded by his clbadmates by his last name. But he could not with so much emotion and fell exhausted of sleep.

Grace Eline and Joshua Trump,
totally "fainted" ./ AFP

Grace Eline and Joshua Trump,
totally "fainted" ./ AFP

The loose tie

The state of the Union is an opportunity for the President to inform the country of its goals for the coming year. But there were those who paid more attention to his twisted tie.

What does Pelosi read?

In addition to applause, Pelosi distracted the audience when He started checking papers. "What are you reading?"

Some on Twitter viewed their attitude as a lack of respect while the president was speaking out.

And Melania came back

Finally, the beautiful first lady, Melania Trump. It has not been seen in public since December 27th. So the night of Tuesday was his first public appearance since last year.

The last time the first lady was seen in public was almost a month and a half earlier, when she returned to the United States a surprise trip that she and the president have done in Iraq to visit the troops at Christmas time.

Melania Trump during the speech of the State of the Union / AFP

Melania Trump during the speech of the State of the Union / AFP

The first lady, who during her first two years at the White House tried to stay out of the spotlighthe arrived at the congress separately Trump, with almost 40 minutes in advance.

This is the second year in a row that he has done so, establishing a new tradition it breaks with the tradition that the first lady and the first president together made the White House trip to the Capitol on the occasion of the state of the Union.

Source: agencies


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