Peronist triumph will bring changes to foreign policy


Argüello sounds like future chancellor Source: archive

Tensions appear with Bolsonaro and the EU-Mercosur trade agreement could stop. the balance for the Venezuelan crisis

The relationship of the
Argentina with the world will have changes if
Alberto Fernandez Go to the presidency. Although it has not yet issued specific guidelines, the candidate
In front of all He has already revealed in recent weeks what will be the tone that his prospective government will adopt regarding
link with Venezuela,
Brazil and
United States and what momentum will that give
free trade Agreement between him
Mercosur and the European Union.

The return of Kirchnerism to Casa Rosada would be a powerful geopolitical counterweight to the region. With the arrival in power of Mauricio Macri, the fall of Dilma Rousseff and the victory of Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil, the return of Sebastián Piñera to the Chilean government and the departure of Rafael Correa from the leaders of Ecuador marked a turn to the right after years of left-wing governments with more or less sympathy with the Venezuelan regime.

In this sense, Fernández has already expressed his closeness with the representatives of these governments after his visit to the former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva in prison in Brazil, who also congratulated him for the damning result of the # 39; PSO.

However, the candidate showed a distance with the current Venezuelan regime, commissioned by Nicolás Maduro. Although far from presenting a rhetoric similar to that of macrismo concerning Chavismo, Fernández described in a recent interview the Venezuelan government as "authoritarian" and stressed the necessity of "reconstructing the institutionality".

"Venezuela has an authoritarian regime and it is difficult to defend it.It is a government of democratic origin because people have voted, but it has committed excesses," Fernandez said. .
Central Korea.

The candidate echoed her latest report, Michelle Bachelet, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, who visited the country to badess the crisis. institutional and humanitarian that it goes through. The document confirmed the torture and executions by Chavismo and confirmed about 7,000 deaths in the hands of regime forces. "It is of enormous gravity," he added.

If it was to be added prematurely to a group in the region for its stance in the face of the Venezuelan crisis, Fernández would be closer to Uruguay and Mexico, which imposed cold slicks to the country. diplomatic action implemented by other governments. Therefore, coming to power would be a blow to the Lima group which, led by Argentina and Brazil, as well as a dozen other countries of the continent, is the center of pressure against the diet.

In the meantime, the certainty that the relationship with Brazil will be tense is badured as long as Bolsonaro remains in power. "Racist, misogynist and violent" are the terms used by Kirchner's candidate to describe the Brazilian president, who deplored the results of the STEP. The official described Fernández and Cristina Kirchner as "leftist bandits" who "started to come back to power" and "will plunge Argentina into chaos".

However, determined to ease tensions with Brazil, considered vital to Argentina's development strategy, Alberto Fernández sent a message of stability throughout the region. "Do not worry, because I will not close the economy," he said on Saturday.

Meanwhile, the US government has been cautious about the outcome of the primary elections. The administration Donald Trump predicts that the link with Argentina, if Kirchnerism returns to power, will go back to several lockers.

On the other hand, doubts remain as to the future objectives of Fernández when he comes before the government. Moreover, he has not yet transcended the identity of his chancellor. Former US ambbadador, Jorge Argüello, and former Argentine representative to the Vatican, Eduardo Valdés, are the list of names likely to be part of the cabinet.


One of these unknowns will be the future of the agreement between Mercosur and the European Union, one of Macri's foreign policy management objectives. The candidate believes that the benefits that the agreement – which must be approved by all parliaments of Mercosur – will come into force – will bring to the Argentine economy are unclear. "The prejudices for our industry and the Argentinian work are clear.This agreement generates nothing to celebrate, but many reasons for concern," he said shortly after the announcement of the pact. The lack of political will would hinder the treatment of the agreement in Congress.



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