Peru earthquake and tsunami warning in northern Chile: Arica lived 15 minutes of uncertainty – 01/03/2019


Hundreds of inhabitants of the Chilean city of Arica, located near the border with Peru, They had to leave their homes this Friday because of a tsunami warning after a 7 degrees Richter earthquake that shook the neighboring country, according to official sources.

The telluric shake (second strongest of the year) occurred at 5:50 am in Argentina and was perceived with high intensity and duration greater than one minute in the Chilean regions of Arica and Parinacota, Tarapacá and Antofagasta.



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Monday to Friday afternoon.

According to official reports, no casualties or significant damage has been recorded.

The seismological department of the University of Chile determined that the epicenter of the quake was 223 kilometers northeast of the Peruvian city of Arequipa and that its hypocenter had a depth of 260 kilometers.

So far in 2019, this earthquake is lower than that of Jan. 5 in the Amazonian region of Ucayali, which was 7.2.

In Arica, a coastal city of about 220,000 inhabitants, the sirens issued a tsunami warning and hundreds of people left their homes and went to the predetermined security zones.

The city was founded on April 25, 1541. (

The city was founded on April 25, 1541. (

The alarm was canceled 15 minutes laterwhen the hydrographic and oceanographic service of the navy badured that the characteristics of the earthquake did not fulfill the conditions necessary to generate a tsunami on the Chilean coasts.

According to the National Office of Emergencies, the earthquake was perceived with intensity VII of the international scale of Mercalli, which goes from I to XII, to AricaPocon, Chile, and VI, to Codpa and Cuya .

In the region of Tarapacá, the intensities were: Alto Hospicio, Huara, La Tirana, Mamiña, Pica, Pisagua, Pozo Almonte and Iquique, the regional capital, and IV in other points of the zone.

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In the Antofagasta region, the intensity was IV at Calama, Maria Elena, Quillagua and Tocopilla, said Onemi.

In Santiago, after a meeting with the highest authorities of the Onemi, the Minister of the Interior, Andrés Chadwick, said that there was no information on the victims or the damage caused by the earthquake.

Source: EFE.


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