Peru earthquake: one dead and 11 wounded | Chronic


At least one person died and 11 others were injured this Sunday by the magnitude 8 earthquake on the Richter scale, which shook much of Peru and was also felt in Colombia and Ecuador, reported the Center for National Emergency Operations (COEN) and local authorities.

According to the latest COEN data update, the magnitude of the earthquake reached 8.0 degrees, the number of injuries increased from 5 to 11, and 86 families and 74 people were affected.

In addition, the agency confirmed in its Twitter social network report that 48 homes were affected and 55 uninhabitable, while 8 schools and 6 health centers were affected.

The victim died as a result of an earthquake during the earthquake in the region of Cajamarca, in the northern Peruvian Andes, one of the seven departments where damage was recorded.

I also read: A very strong earthquake shook Peru and Ecuador and Colombia

Most of the wounded are from the Amazonian city of Yurimaguas, the closest to the epicenter of the earthquake, which occurred at 2:41 am local time (07:41 GMT) in the Pacaya Samiria national reserve in Loreto, a sparsely populated area. l & # 39; Amazon. Peruvian

The President of Peru, Martín Vizcarra, who arrived early Sunday with two ministers to do a damage badessment, guaranteed that there would be "immediate humanitarian aid to the victims" and "Logistics to recover damaged infrastructure".

According to the survey, there have been many partial landslides of rural dwellings and road infrastructure, such as the bridge connecting the cities of Yurimaguas and Tarapoto, capital of the San Martín region , and blocking roads in the seven affected areas.

The deep origin of the earthquake, located 141 kilometers from the Earth's surface, diluted its destructive power, but its seismic wave was more extensive and was felt thousands of kilometers away from the earthquake. epicenter, until reaching capitals such as Lima, Quito (Ecuador). and Bogotá (Colombia).

In Ecuador, whose Institute of Geophysics estimated the quake at a magnitude of 8.09 on the Richter scale, they reported "At least six injured people of different consideration in several provinces".

I also read: An earthquake shook San Juan and was felt in Mendoza and Chile

In Colombia, the Colombian geological department described the magnitude 8.3 earthquake on the Richter scale and said that "Emergency sirens have been activated in Bogota and surrounding areas, so that hundreds of people have evacuated their homes."

Peru is located in the area of ​​the Pacific Ring of Fire, where 85% of the world's seismic activity is produced.


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