Peru: Keiko Fujimori plays the OAS card in Bolivia | Without presenting evidence of fraud, right-wing hopes Luis Almagro will agree to audit of the poll


From Lima

Without presenting proof of the alleged fraud he denounces and while the highest electoral authority has begun to reject his requests for the annulment of votes which did not favor him, thea right-wing Keiko Fujimori, defeated in the presidential elections by rural teacher Pedro Castillo, now calls for intervention from the Organization of American States (OAS) to try to reverse their defeat. This Monday, the daughter of the imprisoned ex-dictator Alberto Fujimori left for the Government Palace a letter addressed to President Francisco Sagasti asking him to convene the OAS to audit the electoral process. So far, there has been no response from the Peruvian government. Fujimori and his allies, increasingly putschistsYes, they said they wouldn’t recognize Castillo’s victory or the legitimacy of the next government if his OAS audit request was not granted.

It is expected that Castillo’s official proclamation as president-elect could take place next week, or towards the end of this week if the pace picks up, when election officials finish seeing Fujimori’s requests for nullity of votes. But everything would take longer if the OAS audit were open, which, however, various experts in the field believe can hardly prosper.

Travel to the USA

The Peruvian right-wing hopes that the OAS will repeat in Peru the contested role it played in Bolivia and approve a coup that will overturn the electoral result or annul the elections. Keiko’s advisers announced a trip to Washington to meet OAS Secretary General Luis Almagro and ask him to intervene in the Peruvian elections. For the OAS to agree to audit the Peruvian elections would imply that it would ignore the reports of its own mission. observers who approved of the cleanliness and legitimacy of these elections. It would be a scandal. All other observation missions have also published reports certifying the validity of the elections. The European Union, the government of the United States, the governments of the region, such as Argentina, among others, have spoken in favor of the legitimacy of the elections which gave the victory to Professor Castillo.

In his letter to President Sagasti, Keiko speaks of “a lot of irregularities” in the electoral process, but does not present any evidence to support his claims. Fujimorism intends to overturn over 200,000 votes in rural areas where Castillo has largely won, and with this turnaround the electoral result which gives Castillo the victory by just over 44,000 votes. They allege, with disputed expert opinions on the part, that there are signatures in the minutes of the members of the polling stations which do not coincide with those of the identity document, thus denouncing an alleged theft identity and asking that the votes of these polling stations be canceled. They do not provide any proof of an alteration of the vote. They were unable to present a single case of a person who supports the complaint that the signing of the deed is not his own and testifies that he was effectively supplanted in his job as electoral prosecutor . On the contrary, more than thirty of those board members who were allegedly impersonated and their signatures forged and whose names were publicly disclosed said there had been no forgeries or d identity theft and that the signatures were theirs.

Right-wing spokespersons admitted they had no evidence of fraud, but insist there were irregularities. “We have no proof of fraud,” admitted former minister Dante Córdova, one of the main right-wing spokespersons who denounces fraud and calls for the intervention of the OAS.

Electoral Justice rejects nullity requests

While Fujimorism calls on the OAS and turns against the legitimacy of national electoral bodies, the National Election Jury (JNE) resumed on Monday, after four days of paralysis due to the resignation of one of its four members, the hearings to analyze Fujimori’s requests to cancel Castillo’s votes. The electoral jury once again rejected for lack of support all the requests for invalidity of votes that it examined.

Without arguments in their claims to overturn the election winner’s votes, Fujimorismo and his right-wing allies are not only betting on OAS aid, but also playing their internal cards by promoting a coup that ignores the election result. . They questioned the legitimacy of the electoral tribunal for ruling against him and said that if this body proclaims Castillo as president, as everything indicates that he will happen in the next few days, they will not accept this decision and ignore the decision. legitimacy of the new government. . Retired soldiers, led by former dictator Francisco Morales Bermúdez (1975-1980), convicted by an Italian court for his participation in the Condor plan, have publicly called on the armed forces to ignore Castillo’s victory, a position of coup d’etat applauded by Fujimori. . Elected officials of Congress and politicians allied with Keiko also spoke in the same direction. Defeated, on the right they removed the mask and their coup d’etat letters were exposed.


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