Peru: The latest images of Alan García holding a rifle in his hand before committing suicide – 22/04/2019


Talk to the prosecutors and police officers who came to his home in Lima to arrest him. He exchanges a few words and goes to the top floor. Going up the stairs, you can see that in the right hand, he carries a weapon; the gun with which he would bang his head a few minutes later. So they are the latest images of the former Peruvian President Alan GarcíaJoined last Wednesday when he committed suicide.

The images were broadcast by the television series "Cuarto Poder" and quickly became viral on the Web.

In the video, you can see how García talks to the agents of the stairs of the house. After a brief conversation, go to the first floor and it is there when you realize that in the hand closest to the wall carries a weapon.

I kept reading

Alan García, a political life full of dramas and a last tragedy

The suicide of the former president


Judging by the recording, the former president would have pulled out his gun from some pocket going up the stairs because in the previous scene, when talking to the officials, it is clear that He has nothing in his hands. A person runs almost running after the former president to try to stop him. But it was in vain.

This sequence, of just two minutes and noiselessly, appeared amidst the wave of criticism from the Office of the Prosecutor and the police for an arrest operation that ended with the suicide of the accused.

The latest images of Alan García before committing suicide.

The latest images of Alan García before committing suicide.

Clarin Bulletins

What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up "src ="

What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

Monday to Friday afternoon.

The officers went to his home in Miraflores Lima district around 6:30 am (local time) to execute a provisional prison order issued by the Office of the Prosecutor on Tuesday.

When he was informed that he was going to be arrested, Garcia asked them for a few minutes talk on the phone with your lawyerhe locked himself in his office and shot himself in the head. He was treated urgently at Casimiro Ulloa Hospital, where he eventually died.

The family threatened to file a complaint against the Office of the Prosecutor and the police, finding that the detention protocol that led to García's death was flawed. The public prosecutor opened an internal investigation against the two prosecutors in charge of the case.

One of her daughters spread on Friday, during the wake organized at Casa del Pueblo, home to the APRA, Garcia's political party, a note in which his father defended his innocence and explained that he was not willing to suffer "harbadment".

Odebrecht case

The former leader and some of his former badociates were under investigation for alleged bribes in the construction of two sections of the line 1 of the Lima metro, project in which the Brazilian company was involved Odebrecht.

García ruled Peru in two ways – from 1985 to 1990 and from 2006 to 2011 – and has been accused in recent years of alleged corruption. In November, an unsuccessful asylum in Uruguay after finding refuge at the Uruguayan embbady in Lima.

Besides Garcia, the corrupt plot of Odebrecht also splashed the former presidents. Alejandro Toledo, Ollanta Humala and Pedro Pablo Kuczynskias well as opposition leader Keiko Fujimori. All are awaiting the resolution of their court cases in the Andean nation, with the exception of Toledo, which is awaiting extradition from the United States.

Source: Europa Press


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