Peruvian Congress disqualifies Martín Vizcarra for 10 years – News


Former Peruvian President Martín Vizcarra, the most voted member of Congress in last Sunday’s elections, was disqualified this Friday from public service for 10 years by the National Congress for a complaint of irregular vaccination when it was mandatory, which means he will not be able to assume the seat he won at the polls.

They were also disqualified from holding public office in back ex ministas from the current interim president Francisco Sagasti: Pilar mazzetti (Health, for eight years) and Elizabeth astete (Foreign relations, for a year), the newspaper reportedo Trade.

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The two ministers resigned in February after learning they were part of a small group of 470 people who had been irregularly vaccinated, including officials, diplomats and businessmen.

At that time, the prosecutor’s office would be investigating all officials who were irregularly vaccinated during their tenure, even Vizcarra, who had already been removed from office by the National Congress over a corruption complaint since quitting. ‘he was governor of the southern region of Moguegua. , from 2011 to 2014.

His dismissal sparked protests and a violent crackdown that resulted in two deaths and around 100 injured.

Vizcarra denies corruption charges to date and although admitted to receiving two doses of Chinese Sinopharm vaccine Before it was approved in December by health officials, he argues it was not an irregular event as he, his wife and brother were volunteers in the ongoing clinical trial in the country with this inoculant.

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However, the political climate against the outgoing former congressman today was one of almost total opposition.

Throughout the day, Congressman Omar Chehade of the Alliance for Progress made it clear that the disqualification would be aimed at preventing Vizcarra from reaching Parliament, despite being elected by majority vote in the first round last Sunday.

Mr. Vizcarra cannot stand for another day at the Congress of the Republic. I come in black because I come to see Mr. Vizcarra’s political funeral“He sneered.

In turn, Carlos Almerí, from Podemos Peru, said the disqualification “is not political revenge” and asked the plenary to unanimously support the measure.

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The session had started in the morning but the discussion on the situation of Vizcarra was postponed because in the middle the plenary of the organ decided to suspend the legislator Edgar Alarcón for alleged illicit enrichment, allegedly committed while he was at the head of the Office of the Comptroller.

With 60 votes for and not one against, Alarcón was removed from his post for the duration of the tax process against him, so he will no longer return to parliament as the elected lawmakers will take office next July.


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