Peruvian court said in judgment the pandemic was created by Bill Gates, George Soros and the Rockefeller family


What do Bill Gates, George Soros and the Rockefeller family have in common? In addition to being the owners of the greatest fortunes in the world, the three were accused on Monday by a Peruvian court of being responsible for the creation of the coronavirus.

The resolution was surprising as it was based on one of the many covid 19 conspiracy theories that go viral on social media on a daily basis. In its decision, the Chicha and Pisco Criminal Appeals Chamber declared that the pandemic was an invention of the “criminal elites of the whole world” made up, again according to the magistrates of this court, by billionaires such as Soros, Gates and the Rockefeller, among others.

In this way, the court justified its delay by rendering a decision to answer the appeal of an accused who requested the cancellation of his preventive detention and whose settlement had been postponed due to the pandemic. For judges Tito Gallegos, Luis Leguía and Tony Changaray, the pandemic was “unpredictable” for everyone, with the sole exception of its supposed creators, “who managed it and continue to direct it with extreme secrecy in their environment. and global companies, ”reported Efe.

“No world government, physical person or entity, nor the defense of the accused can argue that this pandemic has the quality of ‘foreseeable’, except for the creators of the new world order such as Bill Gates, Soros, Rockefeller, etc. “, wrote the magistrates in the resolution, published on the portal LP right.

Bill Gates victim of conspiracy theories (Photo: Reuters / Yuri Gripas).

Conspiracy theories

This isn’t the first time conspiracy theories have gained traction around the world, but there has never been a court ruling that has echoed them as an inescapable truth. Until now.

The judges declared that without a doubt that the coronavirus was “created by the criminal elites who rule the world“.

Specifically, the document quotes financial investor George Soros, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and the billionaire Rockefeller family, whom he accuses of “managing” and “continuing to lead” the virus in the “new world order”. “. Other theories of the same type claim that the virus was created by pharmaceutical companies eager to increase their profits and even plots by Bill Gates or Soros in a supposed plan to control the population through vaccines and 5G.

Peru was one of the Latin American countries hardest hit by the pandemic. As of Monday, 1,035,184 infected cases, 38,280 deaths and 969,863 recovered have been reported in Peru, according to figures released by the World Health Organization (WHO).


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