Peruvian government rejects request to audit the ballot requested by Keiko Fujimori | Pedro Castillo’s official proclamation can be made before July 15


Peruvian government rejected right-wing candidate Keiko Fujimori’s request for an international audit of the poll who played on June 6 with the rural teacher Pedro Castillo. In addition, this Saturday, the National Election Jury (JNE) indicated that it estimates that before July 15 it will be able to officially proclaim the winner of the elections and that he will assume the presidency on July 28, date which coincides with the bicentenary.

the Justice Ministry, Eduardo Vega, rejected the request made on June 28 by the right-wing candidate of Fuerza Popular, Keiko Fujimori, to the Peruvian president Francisco sagasti, to request an international election audit. “Under the principle of neutrality that every state institution must respect and with the ongoing electoral process, it is not legally possible to meet the demand,” Vega said in response to Fujimori. In turn, he added that the executive and President Sagasti “cannot intervene in an electoral process following a request from one of the political forces participating in the electoral race”.

“Any irregularities to which your letter refers must be dealt with by the National election jury, que viene evaluando y resolviendo las impugnaciones y pedidos de nulidad formulados por las agrupaciones políticas “, añadió en el oficio en referencia a las apelaciones de nulidad presentadas por el partido Fuerza Popular que impiden que proclame officially al ganador de los hace cas celebrados a month.

The candidate shared the response of the Peruvian government on her social networks and affirmed that Sagasti “has abdicated its great responsibility to guarantee fair elections under equal conditions”. “He could go down in history as a righteous man who bet for democracy for the benefit of all Peruvians, but his answer shows us that he prefers to be registered as president by accident,” he said in reference. to the interim head of state. who has been occupying since last November, when he replaced Manuel Merino who, in turn, had replaced Martin vizcarra in the midst of a serious political and social crisis facing Peru.

Since JNE has indicated that before July 15 they will be able to announce the winner of the poll. According to the spokesperson for the electoral jury, Luis Alberto Sánchez, 27 of the 270 requests submitted to the JNE were examined. “This is an unusual amount, unprecedented in recent electoral processes,” he said on RPP Noticias radio. The second presidential round between Castillo and Fujimori took place on June 6. Twelve days later, the National Office of Electoral Processes (ONPE) finished.According to the official tally, Castillo defeated Fujimori by 44,058 votes, but Fujimori launched a battery of appeals and requests to quash the minutes with some 200,000 votes in areas where his rival won an overwhelming majority.

Although no election observation body found evidence of fraud and countries and institutions like the The European Union, the United Kingdom, Canada and the United States have expressed their confidence in the Peruvian electoral system and they agree that the ballot held was free and fair, Fujimori invoked a scenario similar to that of Bolivia in 2019 and which ended with the coup in Evo Morales. “The request made to the president is to call in international experts, as has been done in Bolivia,” the Fuerza Popular candidate declared last Monday.

This is the OAS

As part of the battery of demands to challenge the elections, this week Fujimori, daughter of the imprisoned ex-dictator, Alberto Fujimori, also knocked on the doors of the Organization of American States (OAS). The candidate sent a delegation to Washington to meet the Secretary General of the OAS, Luis Almagro, request an international audit and obtain an exit in the manner of the coup d’état in Bolivia in 2019. Almagro did not receive the delegation made up of elected members of the Congress Hernando Guerra and Jorge Montoya, the former presidential candidate Nidia Vilchez and the former minister
Daniel Cordoba.

Fujimori’s emissaries only met with a lower-level official. They barely managed to leave a letter and the press conference was interrupted when a Peruvian sociologist accused them of “putschists”. The OAS did not raise any objections to the Peruvian electoral process and, moreover, according to Peruvian analysts, it understood that this meeting request did not contemplate the “formal ways”, because it is not about an official delegation from the Peruvian government. In addition, the organization’s election observers said the Peruvian elections were clean, as no serious irregularities were observed.


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