Peruvian prosecutor’s office ordered the cremation of the body of the founder of the Shining Path


The Peruvian prosecutor's office ordered the cremation of the body of the founder of the Shining Path (PHOTO: REUTERS)
The Peruvian prosecutor’s office ordered the cremation of the body of the founder of the Shining Path (PHOTO: REUTERS)

The Peruvian prosecution informed the authorities and the Ministry of Justice on Thursday that They can initiate the relevant procedures to proceed with the cremation of the remains of the leader and founder of the Peruvian Maoist guerrilla Sendero Luminoso, Abimael Guzman.

For example, the body of Guzmán, who died on September 11 in his prison cell at the Callao naval base, They will be cremated in accordance with the law recently approved by the Peruvian Congress, takes the local newspaper ‘El Comercio’.

The aforementioned legislation indicates that authorities to cremate the remains of a man convicted of terrorism in order to avoid endangering national security and public order.

The accusation indicated that this decision is based on “the defense of public and social interests” and considering that “their decisions have an impact on society”.

Weeks ago Guzmán’s widow Elena Iparraguirre, who also remains in prison, has requested that her husband’s body be handed over to her for burial, something that the prosecution itself rejected.

Abimael Guzmán was captured on September 12, 1992. (PHOTO: REUTERS)
Abimael Guzmán was captured on September 12, 1992. (PHOTO: REUTERS)

The founder and leader of the Shining Path terrorist gang, Abimael Guzman, He died on July 13 at the age of 86 while serving a life sentence for terrorism. at Callao Naval Base, Peru.

Guzmán, whose exact cause of death has not been specified, had several health problems in recent weeks for which he was treated in the maximum security prison where he was serving his sentence.

Guzman, Also known as “Comrade Gonzalo”, he was the leader of the Peruvian guerrilla, active mainly in the 1980s and 1990s. On September 12, 1992, the Special Intelligence Group (GEIN) carried out Operation “Victoria”, which resulted in him being captured in a house in Lima with several of his supporters, including Iparraguirre.

However, refused to be transferred to a health center, after refusing to eat for a few days.

The first authority to comment on the news was the Minister of Health, Hernando Cevallos, who told reporters that “no one wishes anyone dead for more crimes they have committed“, but what “is unhappy like anyone who dies under any circumstance”.

In a brief statement, the National Penitentiary Institute of Peru said that Guzmán was killed at 6:40 am on Saturday July 13 “due to health complications”..

After his arrest, he was sentenced to life imprisonment by a military court. However, the Constitutional Court overturned the conviction and ordered a new civil trial. Ultimately, in 2006, he was sentenced to the same sentence for the crime of terrorism against the state.

(With information from Europa Press)


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