Pfizer has reported that the South African variant could re …


A laboratory study suggests that the South African variant of the coronavirus may reduce the antibody protection of the Pfizer vaccine. The change would be quite significant: the effectiveness of vaccination could be reduced by up to two thirds.

This was reported by the company on Tuesday after the publication in conjunction with Texas Medical University. In the report, the researchers tested the modified virus on blood taken from people who had received the vaccine and found a two-thirds reduction in the level of neutralizing antibodies compared to its effect on the most common version of the virus. prevalent in trials in the United States.

For this reason, from the lab, they invest and discuss with the regulators of the antidote the need to develop an update to the version already created or, if necessary, an additional dose. As the range for determining the level of antibodies needed to protect against the virus has not yet been defined, it is not clear whether the two-thirds reduction in efficacy means the vaccine is ineffective against these new variants. .

What is strange is that weeks ago different international news agencies echoed a study published in the magazine Science that said the vaccine developed by Pfizer and BioNTech laboratories appeared to remain fully effective against British and South African variants of the COVID-19 virus. The new study from the lab itself now proves the opposite.

On the other hand, the pharmacist calculates that, thanks to sales of its coronavirus vaccine -developed in conjunto con la empresa alemana BioNTech-, podría llegar has ganar 15 mil million dólares in todo 2021. La cifra podría aumentar si Pfizer -que actualmente tiene una demora en la entrega de dosis- cierra más Contratos para llevar su vacuna a other countries.


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