Pfizer released the first data on the coronavirus vaccine for children aged 5 to 12


13-year-old boy receives Pfizer coronavirus vaccine at a New York medical center (Photo: REUTERS)
13-year-old boy receives Pfizer coronavirus vaccine at a New York medical center (Photo: REUTERS)

Pfizer and BioNTech announced on Tuesday that they had communicated to US authorities the first data on the results of the vaccine against the coronavirus in children aged 5 to 12 years. and they anticipated that in the coming weeks, they planned to officially request their emergency use for this age group.

In a comunicado, las farmacéuticas indicaron que han compartido los datos de la fase 2/3 de su ensayo clínico con la Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos de Estados Unidos (FDA, por sus siglas en inglés) para una “revisión inicial” tras divulgar recientemente What two low doses of the vaccine elicited a “robust” immune response in the children.

Based on initial data, based on testing of nearly 2,300 children aged 5 to 12 years, a two-dose regimen of 10 micrograms of the product had a “comparable” response to that seen in people aged 5 to 12. 16 to 25 years against which he had been vaccinated. two doses of 30 micrograms in the general study.

The request for emergency use in the United States for this age group will be made “in the coming weeks”., while the companies “plan” to ask the same of the European authorities and other regulators, according to the note.

Pfizer and BioNTech also said they plan to submit the data to the step 3 from the trial later to scientific peer review.

The vaccine from these pharmaceutical companies, which is one of the most widely distributed in the world, has been available for adults aged 12 and over in the United States since May and it is the only one approved for teenagers.

Pfizer's vaccine is the only one approved for adolescents (Photo: REUTERS / Dado Ruvic)
Pfizer’s vaccine is the only vaccine approved for adolescents (Photo: REUTERS / Dado Ruvic)

The companies have indicated that they expect to have data on immunity and safety for two other younger age groups, between 6 months and 2 years, and between 2 and 5 years, from the fourth quarter of this year.

Earlier this month, the FDA said that once the application was submitted “I would review the data to assess the benefits and risks”, and that he would complete his exam “probably in a few weeks rather than a few months.”

Although children are less likely to develop severe symptoms of COVID-19, can spread the virus and the situation has become dire for vulnerable people with face-to-face feedback in schools for millions of children in the country.

This Monday President Joe Biden received third dose of Pfizer vaccine, three days after US health officials authorized the administration of these booster injections to vulnerable groups.

“I know it doesn’t sound like it, but I’m over 65, a lot older, and that’s why I’m getting my booster today.”the 78-year-old president said.

Joe Biden applied third dose of Pfizer vaccine to White House
Joe Biden applied third dose of Pfizer vaccine to White House

The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) gave the green light on Friday to administer a booster vaccine from Pfizer for about 20 million people who received the second dose at least six months ago and who meet a number of conditions.

This group includes people over 65, adults with conditions such as diabetes or obesity, and workers at a higher risk of contagion – such as health workers, teachers, or grocery store workers.; provided they first received full direction from Pfizer.

Biden put the second dose of Pfizer vaccine on January 11, over eight months ago, so he was eligible for a recall and did so as soon as possible to encourage more Americans to follow suit.

“Booster doses are important, but the most important thing we need to do is get more people vaccinated. “, however, underlined the president.

(With information from EFE)

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