Pfizer’s first production could be more than …


An unexpected twist could increase the number of vaccines available from Pfizer. The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA for its acronym in English) has reported that the initial vaccine supply will increase by about 40%, after determining that some bottles contain additional doses and urged professionals to health to enjoy.

The news comes two weeks after the same pharmaceutical company indicated that due to supply chain failures it would cut production in half. As the Washington Post and the Politico newspapers reported on Thursday, the FDA on Wednesday asked hospitals and pharmacies nationwide to take advantage of additional doses of the country’s first “emergency” vaccine authorized in the country.

The United States started supplying the vaccine this week, after the United Kingdom was the first country to authorize it and start implementing it. Some professionals had realized that some vials contained 6 or 7 doses, instead of the 5 indicated, and had started to throw away the rest for fear of violating health regulations.

“At this time, and in view of the public health emergency, the FDA indicates that it is acceptable to use every feasible full dose (the sixth, or maybe even a seventh) from each vial, while the problem is resolved, ”the FDA said. in a tweet.

This would mean that the remaining vaccine stocks could be up to 40% higher, although the number of additional doses available is unclear.

The FDA also warned that the amount of vaccine left in the different vials is less than a full dose and that they should not be mixed, as experts believe there is a risk that they will contaminate each other.

Last Friday, the FDA approved the Pfizer vaccine for use in all adults over 16 years of age after a rigorous review to assess its risks and benefits.
The safety of the vaccine from this pharmaceutical company was examined in a clinical trial with 40,000 volunteers and it was 95% effective.

This Thursday, the same FDA advisory committee is evaluating a second vaccine, Moderna, whose authorization, also urgently, could take place in the coming days.

The United States is the country in the world worst affected by the pandemic with nearly 17 million cases and more than 307,000 deaths, according to independent data from Johns Hopkins University.


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