Pfizer’s vaccine was effective for the various …


A study from the University of Texas, USA, indicated that the vaccine against the coronavirus prepared by the laboratories Pfizer and BioNTech responded positively in people wearing the new variants of SARS-CoV-2 affecting the UK and South Africa.

The research was carried out on the basis of blood taken from people who had received the BNT162b2 vaccine. Blood serum samples from 20 infected people were used in a previous trial, who had received both doses of this vaccine and were taken between two or four weeks after vaccination.

The first results confirmed that BNT162b2 vaccine is effective in neutralizing the N501Y mutation, which in recent weeks has put the world on high alert due to its high level of contagion.

“Now we tested 16 different mutations, none of which had really significant effects. That’s the good news, ”said Phil Dormitzer, chief scientist for viral vaccine development at Pfizer.

Researchers at the University of Texas note that “the ongoing evolution of SARS-CoV-2 requires continuous vigilance the importance of changes in immunization coverage “.

This vigilance “is accompanied by preparations for the possibility that a future mutation of SARS-CoV-2 make it necessary to change the vaccine strain. “For this reason, they added that an update to the vaccine” would be facilitated by the flexibility of the technology “with which it was developed.

New variants discovered in British and South African territory have higher transmissibility, which has caused a significant increase in the number of positive coronavirus cases in several countries.

The rapidity of infections has prompted several governments to adopt strong measures to restrict the movement of people to avoid collapse of health systems.

Closures and lockdowns will create new problems for the global economy. So far, the coronavirus pandemic has recorded 88,110,890 positive cases and caused 1,899,647 deaths.


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