Photo Gallery | Protests and looting in Chile kill at least eight people


Chile experience moments of intense tension with violent clashes between protesters and security forces and looting that took place at least eight dead and nearly 1,500 arrested. It's the worst social epidemic since the return of democracy to the country, almost three decades ago, in 1990.

Five people died this Sunday, October 20 in the rubble of a burning clothing factory in the municipality of Renca, north of Santiago. During the morning, three deaths had already been announced as a result of a fire in a supermarket in the municipality of San Bernardo, south of the capital. In this way, Add at least eight dead in these unprecedented social uprisings.

"We have five dead and the latent threat to die more", warned the mayor of Renca, Claudio Castro, overwhelmed by the widespread looting and fires in his municipality, which are repeated in other places of Santiago and regions, forcing the neighbors to organize to protect their homes too .

Chile: curfew renewed and five dead after fire

In addition, two people were seriously injured by a bullet during a military patrol at dawn and the prosecutor's office. reported 1,462 detainees throughout Chile. Before the virulence of the demonstrations and the robberies to the trade, the authorities decreed the curfew for the second day, although they advanced the beginning of the measure for the local time 19, at the beautiful middle of the "state of emergency" which governs five regions of the country.

"Be calm and be at home"He invited General Javier Iturriaga, the military chief in charge of security after the inauguration of the state of emergency following the start of the demonstrations Friday, to announce this measure.

The demonstrations broke out for the increase in the price of the subway ticket, decision that the government then reversed. Until a few days ago, these actions were unimaginable in the country, when the president himself Sebastian Piñera He described his country as "oasis" of stability.

Fighting and looting left at least eight dead and 1,462 detainees

"Democracy not only has the right, He has the obligation to defend himself using all the instruments that democracy itself provides and the rule of law to fight against those who want to destroy it, "said Piñera after a meeting in the presidential palace of La Moneda among the largest representatives of the three powers of the state.

Social upheaval Hooded protesters clashed almost all day with police officers in Plaza Italia, Santiago, in the city center, where police and army were very active.

"The united people will never be defeated"The protesters shouted in unison, according to the agency AFP. The phrase refers to the slogan that became popular during protests against the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet (1973-1990).



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