Photos of armored Washington waiting for …


1- Fear of a new outbreak of political violence on Capitol Hill

After the assault on Capitol Hill, security was tightened with 20,000 members of the National Guard in the days leading up to and during the Jan. 20 inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden in Washington.

2- The center of the American capital is practically militarized

The team of the President-elect of the United States, Joe Biden, admitted in recent hours to feel some “concern” about the inauguration of the new White House chief on Wednesday, although he also assured that he was working for “any type of scenario”.

3- For security reasons, the parade along Pennsylvania Avenue will not take place

An official escort will be organized with some of the representatives from each branch of the US military.

4- Caution was exercised with the various security forces

Members of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) canine team will also be on patrol the days before and during the nomination.

5- For several days, the Capitol will be surrounded

National Guard troops rest inside the United States Capitol while guarding the building ahead of President-elect Joe Biden’s upcoming inauguration.

6- The military deployment has become a spectacle

Americans and tourists walk around the Capitol to observe the extensive military capabilities. Some even dare to ask for a photo.

7- Washington Mayor Muriel Bowser asked not to go to the National Mall

The organizers occupied this space, where mass gatherings are traditionally held, with 200,000 American flags.

8 to 24 hour monitoring

Members of the National Guard are given instructions as others stand guard near the White House before President-elect Joe Biden takes office.

9- Riots are expected

National Guard troops receive arms and ammunition outside the United States Capitol building pending the possible presence of supporters of United States President Donad Trump.

10- Biden’s team claims to be prepared for “any kind of scenario”

20,000 members of the National Guard have already been deployed to Washington and several streets around the Capitol have already been closed.

Of Public, special for Page 12


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