Photos: The mysterious creature that causes panic in China – – Diario de Mendoza, Argentina


Surprise and panic have generated February 9 in the south of China the appearance of a strange fish.

A witness told the local press the moment he saw the animal for the first time. At first he thought it was a turtle, since a big back came out of the water; but then he pulled out his head, and it looked like a snake.

The fish was seen at Baiyun Lake in Guangzhou City.

One of the rangers saw the animal and photographed it. He then revealed to the Guangzhou Daily newspaper that the fish was two meters long and looked "strange".

"We had already realized the existence of this strange fish before, but we had shown very little of his body out of the water, so we could not identify him"said Song Yunchang, head of the park's security team.


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