Physicians protect themselves


August 1, 2019– 16:08

The media said Nélida Süller had received treatment that left her "immunodeficient"

Devastated by the death of a mother,Guido SüllerHe spoke with the media and denounced the doctors who accompanied him to the Banco Provincia clinic. "What happened is very strong. They poisoned her "he explained. According to the media, the professionals acted irresponsibly by prescribing a drug that left her "immunodeficient".

Guido Suller us in the morning

"It's for the artriris, and it's so strong that a 90-year-old lady can not be given. Physicians protect each other.", the former commissioner on board had already warned during a conversation withThe angels of the morningin which he described the treatment that his mother received.

Since the sad news has shaken the family, the Süller have made it clear that the death was "very surprising". On Wednesday, only a few hours after Nelida's death, Silvia and Guido spoke with Ángel de Brito and explained that his mother was in good health:"I had gone to eat a pizza with beer with my sister. The next day he had a rash, we called the doctor, he gave him a cure, he did not do anything and the next day he was worse, so we admitted him ".

"The rashes disappeared, then a cold sore appeared in his mouth, which spread to his tongue, throat and esophagus, was subjected to a defense test and was He then started fishing for any viruses or bacteria in the environment, "added Guido.

For the moment, and after a long time, all the Sullers are united to face the duel.


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