Piba dyed her hair and ended up being disfigured | Chronic


A young woman has dyed her hair, but a striking allergic reaction to paraphenylenediamine, one of the chemical components of hair dyes, has disfigured her face.

As reported by the English, Georgina Paraskevahe badured that it was not the first time that he dyed his hair with this product, and he also claimed that it was the first time that something like that was happening to him.

The piba commented that while she was at a romantic dinner with her boyfriend, she began to feel that her head was very hot and that she was also itching. A few days later, the young woman went to the doctor when she noticed that her face was gradually widening and blisters were burning.

Georgina described what happened as "The most horrible experience" of his life and he also stated that "It looked like a monster". Fortunately, she was able to recover after doctors prescribed her antihistamines.


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