Piba lost her hair and the doctors found her at the most unusual place | Chronic


The event occurred in the Russian city of Tomsk, Siberia. The doctors at the Emergencias Hospital performed an operation they had never performed before: a 16-year-old girl was removed from the stomach by a ball of hair from her body. half a kilo.

The information was confirmed by RIA Tomsk, who took data from the area health department and confirmed that the patient was 16 years old and her identity was preserved. The girl asked the doctors for help not only for the stomach pains she had, but to complain about the loss of her hair.

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From that, they performed laboratory tests that revealed that he was suffering from anemia. The specialists therefore decided to do other tests. After a gastroscopy and an ultrasound, they immediately understood what was happening: the teenager had in her stomach a compact ball occupying 80% of this organ. She was quickly transferred to the operating room.

It's as good as professionals have determined that the ball was in hair and that in the last 10 years, the girl was eating her hair. According to what the medical center has confirmed, her health is now normal and the girl is recovering well. However, to treat the "root" problem, the patient was advised to consult a psychiatrist.

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