Piba shot a friend in the face with a rifle posing for a selfie | Chronic


A teenager was seriously injured after her best friend shot her in the face accidentally, while she posed for a selfie with a shotgun in Ukraine. Polina Gordik, A 17-year-old university student had to be hospitalized urgently after half of her face was damaged by the bullet.

The accident occurred on Wednesday, August 21 in the village of Komyshuvakha, in the Zaporizhia region, in southern Ukraine. Local media reported that on the day of the incident, Polina was at the birthday party of her best friend.

During the party, her friend Veronika, 16, took the shotgun from his father and he had the idea to pose together for a selfie. They put the rifle with the barrel pointed at them and when they were about to take a picture, the weapon was activated.

According to early medical reports, the bullet touched Polina near the nose and crashed into her face. She was therefore rushed to the hospital. There, he had to undergo a seven-hour surgery."The victim was admitted to the center in serious condition", reported Valery Tsaryov, head of the intensive care department of Zaporizhia Children's Hospital.

She was transferred urgently and in critical condition to the hospital.

Doctors will have to rebuild Polina's nose from scratch. He still has several plastic surgeries and a long recovery period.

"She underwent a seven-hour surgery, but fortunately we managed to stabilize her.The condition of the girl is still serious, but her life is not in danger at this time." Polina's mother, Antonina Gordik, said: "I was terrified when I saw my own daughter, missing half of her face.".

The x-ray they made to the victim.

"He has hardly any nose, the bullet has crushed him completely.The doctors had to remove his left eye because he was too damaged to save him" outfit. And he added: "She is conscious, but can not speak.She can only communicate by shaking her head or shaking her head … When I asked her if it was an accident, Polina acquiesced in the head."

However, because of the accident, the police opened an investigation against Veronika and her parents. "A criminal case was opened for serious accidental bodily harm and the police checked whether the rifle was registered."he claimed Anna Maksimenko, spokesperson for the police.

According to local media reports, Veronika and her parents could go to jail until five years old when they are convicted. "They always heard and spent a lot of time together, he said Alina Ivanova, one of the victim's friends.

"We are deeply shocked, Polina was a prodigy in clbad and she has always been kind and cheerful – it is very difficult to accept what has happened to her."lamented Viktoria Pesotska, School teacher from Polina.


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