Piba urinated on potatoes in a supermarket and was "caught" by security cameras | Chronic


A woman accused of having urinated on a potato container at a Walmart store in the state of Pennsylvania, United States, surrendered to the authorities after several days of intensive research, have reported the local media.

The female, by name Grace Brown, was delivered to the West Mifflin Police Department, a neighborhood located in Allegheny County, about 14 miles southeast of Pittsburgh.

According to his attorney, Brown, 20, made it after watching surveillance videos of Walmart in various media, where he could be seen fleeing after peeing in the facility.

The woman registered by security cameras.

On Thursday, July 25, in the morning, the local police responded to the alert call from a local supermarket, where a case of malicious criminal behavior had been reported.

The money sent to the area indicated that after taking the testimony of one of the workers, he had learned the eschatological incident. The man told the uniformed officer that a day earlier he had noticed urine on the ground near the area where the potatoes were stored in the branch.

The officer then asked the young man to watch the safety videos of the area when he thought an incident had occurred. The first suspicions indicated that it could have been the fault of an animal entered in the place without being noticed.

The woman registered by security cameras.

However, the store operator obtained a filmed recording of the moment when a woman, on July 24 at approximately 10:10 pm, was in the area and, because of her manner of playing and walking in the area, She was responsible urine detected a few hours later.

The officer reported the situation at West Mifflin's department headquarters, which was responsible for sending more detectives into the area to badyze the videos. After the examination, the authorities identified the woman, Grace Brown, and attempted to contact her.

The culprit has returned

The woman did not answer until she went on Tuesday, six days after urinating on the potatoes, accompanied by her lawyer, and identified herself as the only one. 39, author of the contravention.

The Allegheny County Attorney was contacted and determined that Brown was charged with malicious criminal conduct, causing public unrest and public drunkenness.


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