Piba was in a coma after smoking electronic pucho | Chronic


An 18-year-old girl claims that she developed a strange lung disease that left her in a coma for three days due to the consumption of electronic cigarettes every day for three years.

Maddie Nelson, a native of the city of Nephi, Utah, said everyone used these sprays at school. The young American started spraying liquids without flavored nicotine, but then tried different brands, until she ended up inhaling products containing at least 3 milligrams of nicotine.

"I thought the vaping was fine and I was doing all the steam tricks all the time," attorney

In recent months, he has started to feel bad and lose his appetite. At one point, her condition abruptly deteriorated and was the subject of a high fever that forced her to be transferred to the Payson Hospital.

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"My temperature was so high that my brain was disconnected completely," Maddie pointed out.

Doctors could not identify the problem, so they directed her to the Timpanogos Regional Hospital, where she was placed in the coma induced in the intensive care unit for three days.

After an arduous task of specialists, he was diagnosed with eosinophilic pneumonia, a rare disease caused by the accumulation of white blood cells in the lungs in response to inflammation. According to state health authorities, similar conditions are common among users of vaporizers.

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"Inside my lungs, I had glycerin-related particles of vaporizing liquids, my lungs were full of liquids," Commented Nelson. And he added: "The doctors said that my chest x-ray was one of the worst that they had ever seen."

"When you breathe in moisture, an ideal environment is created for bacteria to grow inside your lungs and for the infection to start. And that's essentially what has happened. " Said the young woman.

Now he continues to be supervised by a specialist of the poe and his breathing capacity has improved significantly. However, you should wear an oxygen mask at night because your chest may become stiff unexpectedly.


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