Pibe beat, raped and killed his 65-year-old mother and surrendered to the police: “I have an uncontrollable urge to hurt someone” | the Chronicle


An original 28-year-old man walked into a police station in the Yankee city of Queens and He confessed to hitting, raping and killing his 65-year-old mother.

As detailed by the aggressor, Pushkar sharma, it all happened inside the family home on Winchester Boulevard, almost on the corner of Braddock, in the Bellerose Manor neighborhood.

The peculiarity of this question is that the subject gave details of each of his acts and even gave evidence to the officers.

As detailed in the investigation, the violent episode happened in the basement and, according to Pushkar, it all started with his “uncontrollable desire to hurt someone”.

That’s why he sneaked down, grabbed her from behind and started choking and hitting her over and over in the face, until the woman fell to the ground and there he undressed her and started to mistreat her until she hits her. the final cut that ended up killing her.

Once his mission was over he cleaned himself up as best he could, although he was stained with blood on all sides he grabbed his loved one’s wallet, keys and a knife that was in the room. the square and took him to the station, where They all looked at him in surprise because something like that had never been experienced.

A neighbor of the family, who did not want to give his name, said that Pushkar Sharma suffers from psychiatric disorders and that it was common for police mobiles to arrive to check on what was going on, as 911 calls were almost daily.

“They were a really nice and friendly family. I’m shocked to hear that the son was able to do this,” said the man who gave details of how the Sharmas were.

If not found to be unassailable, the killer could be charged with two counts of murder and one count of sexual assault, which would put him in jail for at least 25 years.


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