Pibe gives "faso" to those who collect garbage in Jamaica | Chronic


Tired of dirt on Jamaican beaches, a young resident decided to offer marijuana cigarettes to tourists who pick up garbage, which is called "gift exchange".

For your ecological plan, Marian Erbach He was armed with 50 joints of 56 grams of cannabis each. This is intended not to break the law of Jamaica, which states that 56 grams is the maximum that a person can wear without being arrested.

Barely 30 minutes after placing the advertisement on the door of his bar, the first interested appeared, and the only condition was that the bucket was filled with waste from the beaches.

A few minutes after the installation of the poster, interested parties appeared. (Courtesy of SDP).

"I was really pissed off by all the garbage around us, so in recent months I've done a lot of research on plastic and I've seen pictures where people were offering free coffee for a garbage bucket. commented the ideologue.

As soon as the garbage cans are full, the collectors will pick them up at the bar and take them to the dump. As a result, residents of the area and netizens applauded the boy's vision, which was successful in motivating other tourists to clean the beaches, even when they did not want to smoke marijuana.

The announcement of the young man. (Courtesy of SDP).

It should be noted that in Jamaica, cannabis is illegal, but possession of small amounts (56.6 grams) is allowed since 2015. In Mexico, however, only 5 grams are legal, as are medicinal uses and scientists.


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