Pibe spent 20 days in a coma and woke up for an unusual reason | Chronic


A 13 year old kid "Came back from death" after feeling his favorite deodorant after spending three weeks without showing signs of life, despite the efforts of his family and medical staff to wake him up.

Kacper Krauze He had been in a coma for more than 20 days after a boat accident with several friends on the Eden River in Cumbria County, England.

The child fell into the icy water and was submerged for about 25 minutes when he was finally rescued by the emergency services.

Kacper was driven by helicopter to the nearest hospital and paramedics had to administer four electric shocks so that he could again take his pulse.

Wioletta Krauze, the mother of the child, badured that they had "I tried everything to wake him up"who during these three weeks was always at his side and who constantly stimulated him with music and who spent hours talking to him but did not answer.

The child was more than 20 days in a coma.

Finally, one of the nurses asked her to take some toiletries used by Kacper and said that she was barely spraying the aerosol deodorant that her son was using. "He opened his eyes immediately".


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