Pichetto advised Fernández to lower the tension with Bolsonaro – Telam


The vice-presidential candidate of Together for Change, Miguel Pichetto, declared that there were "tensions and contradictions" in the Frente de Todos and advised the opposition candidate, Alberto Fernández, not to fall into the "grievance" with the President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro. , in order to preserve bilateral trade relations and the continuity of Mercosur.

In addition, he ruled out that he was a manager of the administration of Mauricio Macri: "I have no information about the changes in the Cabinet and no one proposed to join the government, I do not know these versions, the president is in office and makes decisions. "

"Tensions are beginning to appear in the winning force, and we are seeing things not so explicit that triumph is galvanizing, but contradictions are beginning to appear," Pichetto said in an interview with Todo Noticias.

At the same time, he lamented that Fernández "exchanged grievances" with Bolsonaro and noted that "the link with the neighboring country must be maintained".

"It is unfortunate that there are grievances with Bolsonaro and Fernández.Mercosur may be endangered.It is very serious that Argentina is isolated from the world.We need to maintain good relations with the countries. neighbors, Europe and the United States, as has President Macri since he's badumed, "he remarked.

The senator criticized Fernandez, former visiting president, Lula Da Silva, arrested for corruption. "We must respect the popular will of the Brazilians who elected this president.If I was Fernandez, I would look for an approach with Bolsonaro, I would go to Plbadto (government palace in Brasilia) to explain my plans", a- he declared.


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