Pichetto called "does not comply" with the UN for the dec …


In a new effort to ratify his profile that ignores xenophobia
, Miguel Angel Pichetto, vice-president of Together for Change, called for "not complying" with the UN declaration
in which he recommended to the national government to repeal the decree facilitating the expulsion of migrants. In addition, he called on members of social organizations who camped on July 9 "people who must look for work" and blamed the Catholic Church for "always believing that there is hunger in the country".

"It seems to me that we must not go beyond the fact that it belongs to the community of nations", said the national senator questioned on the statement of the Committee for the protection of the rights of migrant workers of the United Nations, which questioned decree 70/2017 limiting the entry of foreign citizens into the country and facilitating their expulsion.

During an interview on CNN radio, Pichetto said the country should not "Be so sensitive to these types of claims" but on the contrary, "to enforce national law". "Why do not they say to the United States and the important countries of the world?"

In the same way, he again questioned the case of Vanessa Gomez Cuevas
, who was allowed to return to Argentina after serving his sentence. "This woman has served four years in jail for selling drugs to children," he said. He questioned the UN for the defense of this woman's rights. Moreover, he ironically called the international organizations "weapons of this kind and sensitive".

The food emergency, another target

Mauricio Macri's partner, meanwhile he again questioned the average sanction of the emergency food law, which he described as "an excess that does not solve the underlying problem". For him, the "problem" to be answered is "growth and job creation, because these people (who camped on July 9) have to look for work".

"Now they discover that there is famine in Argentina as if it was an African country at war. And I do not think so, "said the deputy, before launching a direct criticism of the bishops. "The (Catholic) Church still believes that there is hunger," he said. "The church that sends no message of tranquility and peace speaks as commentator".

In this regard, he argued that "We must not give plans and continue to increase social spending indefinitely"although he admitted that there are difficulties "that" should be discussed but not from the point of view of the unemployed, but of the work ".


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