Pichetto: "If Macri wins, the dollar will go down" – Together


The vice-presidential candidate for Together for Change and Peronist Senator Miguel Ángel Pichetto has dared to predict a falling dollar in the event of Mauricio Macri's victory in Sunday's presidential elections.

"If Macri wins the dollar will go down. In the event of a vote, Argentina will undergo significant changes as of Monday, "he said during his visit to Chain 3.

In another order, he relied on a victory of the political space which now integrates with the generals: "No election is identical. Primaries are not a definitive choice. I do not think the result is closed, the August 11 elections do not move mathematically ".

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"Sunday, more people will vote. There is a large majority of middle-class people who did not go to vote that day. The cousin expresses a vote of 75% (of the register) and 81-82% in the first round, "he added.

With regard to the last acts of campaign, in particular after the massive call on July 9Pichetto said that there was "a conversion" of the president's figure, who had "the courage to resist (the result of the STEP) and go to meet the people".

"Those who go to the actions of Mauricio Macri are independent sectors, people who defend values, civil liberties and politics," he said.

"This type of act can not accomplish the Front of all. These are more closed acts within Peronism, "he said.

"People are reflecting their vote, there are unfortunate statements after STEP, some sectors believe the street belongs to them," he said.

Returning to the general appeal of July 9, he said: "This expresses a very strong vision of the society which must be consolidated and Mauricio Macri is at the head of this group".

As to whether the the economy will be fundamental During the polls, he declared that it was "important", but at the same time he mentioned "a set of questions that constitute the decision of the population regarding voting". And in this sense, he recalled that Juan Grabois had spoken of agrarian reform: "There, people start thinking about what is happening."

Moreover, he pointed out that in Córdoba, the proposal of Frente de Todos "is not always good". "Schiaretti has defined a vote of autonomy and the messages addressed to him have been very hard," he said.

Regarding who has the political leadership of the opposition, he said without a doubt that former President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner: can she. He developed the proposal, designed the list of deputies and senators, has links with Maduro and with Castro (Cuba). "

In case of FDT victory, he said not to imagine Cristina "in a space of subordination".

"When the power, in Peronism, does not reside in the figure of the president, there is a conflict." "It happened (Cámpora-Perón) and this can happen during the exercise of the government", he declared.

"Peronism should sooner or later give rise to a democratic debate," he said.

At the same time that he criticized the government, he acknowledged, "I think that some measures have not been clearly explained for society to understand the path. All for networks, no. "

"The reform of the work did not take place because the CGT did not accompany and the main leaders instead of going to the meeting went to see the pope. There are things that have been partially solved and others that can not be done, "he said.

And he recalled that the private economy has not progressed in the last six years of Cristina.

Finally, given the conflict scenario in several Latin American countries, he said: "Who is good for the Bolivarian spirit that reigns in Argentina?"

In view of the possible triumph of Alberto Fernández, he stressed that we had to deal with relations with the country chaired by Jair Bolsonaro, who had already warned that the victory of the opposition could reinforce the suspension of Argentina in Mercosur.

"Brazil is asking its main bloc partner to align with the Lima group on the" rejection of the Venezuelan dictatorship, "he warned.

"The risk of establishing a unique relationship with Venezuela and Cuba lies in the commercial isolation of Argentina.You do not grow up living with ours," he added.

Interview with Mario Pereyra, Carlos Sagristani and Adrián Simioni.


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