Pichetto insisted to connect the Frente de Todos to Venezuela


Pichetto returned to connect the presidential formula of the Front de Tous to the government of Nicolás Maduro, after the telephone conversation in which Fernández blamed Macri for having warned that his country "would be Venezuela".

Alberto Fernández.jpg

Cabello had pointed out last week in Fernández that he "will not believe he was elected because he is" because, according to the Venezuelan official, "the only one to understand" the Argentine people "was (l & rsquo; Former President) Nestor Kirchner. "

"When Cabello speaks, he called the Homeland Institute to remind him that he did not win and tell him that the votes are elsewhere", said the Peronist Senator in a chain interview The nation +

He referred to the organization considered as the "reservoir of ideas" of Kirchnerism and the usual presence of the former president Cristina Kirchner, Vice candidate

The privileged partner of President Mauricio Macri reminded that "in the Front of All" they were silent all the time "on the Venezuelan crisis, so he said:" it is better to hide it and not to talk about it because They can not speak ".


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