"Pichetto said the same thing as me, he went to visit De Vido in prison"


The candidate for the Presidency of the Front of All, Alberto Fernández said that Argentina should have the rule of law and recalled that the vice-president of Together for Change, Miguel Ángel Pichetto reported illegal detentions.

"I do not take the defense of my friends, I'm going to defend the law. Many of those who are detained, you knowthey did not get along with me in government and yet I think what they do with them is not fair, " badured Alberto Fernandez

"I am a lawyer, I grew up in the house of a judge, who was my father.For me, justice is a sacred value and it is very important that in a republic, they are if fulfilling in speaking of republic, justice works as God manda and here works as the powerful wants, "said the candidate, who said that there is a political persecution of Cristina Kirchner

In an interview with the journalist Joaquín Morales Solá, the most voted PASO presidential candidate emphasized the need to respect the rule of law: "When I claim these things, I claim for those who, at the 39, future, may suffer from this scourge, it is a scandal and we all know it. The vice president of Macri said that there were arbitrary detentions. He went to visit De Vido in prison. "


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