Pichetto: "There is a process of destabilization in the region" – News


The Vice-President of Together for Change, Miguel Ángel Pichetto, said on Tuesday that Venezuela and Cuba are promoting "destabilization processes in other Latin American countries", linked to violent protests in the country. Ecuador and Chile.

"There is a set of events that have an axis, which is the destabilization of the Latin American countries.It would seem that there is Venezuelan Cuban interference.There is a process of destabilization. Some speeches by (Diosdado) Cabello and (Nicolás) must also be followed with attention, they are ripe in Venezuela, and they encourage people to think about a channel and an organized event, "he said.

The violent clashes in Santiago de Chile and in other parts of the neighboring country have left up to 15 people killed and 1,500 wounded.

He said – in dialogue with the radio Miter– That there is a "Cuban tufillo in Argentina" that requires "to follow closely", because situations of tension could occur.

In another order, he seemed to question Alberto Fernández when he stated that "there are facts that require a categorical political definition of presidential candidates against the process of this dictatorship".

Rolando Vera's report.


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