Pichetto: "To send troops to Venezuela is a fight" – News


Senator and Vice-President of Together for Change, Miguel Ángel Pichetto, has described as "pavada" what the presidential candidate of the Front of All, Alberto Fernández, suggested Sunday during the presidential debate, about which Argentina would send troops to Venezuela.

"Fernández can not rule categorically against the dictatorship because his partner, the former president Cristina Kirchner, negotiates with (Nicolás) Maduro and Raúl Castro, so he eliminates the slap they will send troops to and they will invade Venezuela, "he said.

The senator and candidate said that Argentina wished to obtain "pressure for Maduro to leave the country and that there is a free democracy in Venezuela", saying that it was the "challenge" in which "the president and candidate for re-election is engaged". Mauricio Macri

He recalled in this context that Macri "just recognized the placet of Ambassador Elsa Trotta, representative of Juan Guaidó in Buenos Aires, and ignored the representatives of Maduro".

"The measures taken in this regard are very clear and you can not come up with nonsense, frighten people with things that are not true," he said, adding, "The problem is that it's not good enough." they can not simply say that Venezuela is atrocious dictatorship and that the Maduro regime must end. "

Alberto Fernández entered the debate that took place at the National University of the Coast, in Santa Fe, on the possibility that the Argentine government sends Argentine soldiers to support a possible military intervention in Venezuela, stating its position according to which "they are Venezuelans who must solve their internal problems".

Pichetto said that "Argentina will continue to press with the United States, Brazil and the Lima group so that Maduro withdrew and that there is a free democracy in Venezuela".

He added that "even the Mercosur is threatened by a link that wants to return to the Bolivarian spirit" and said: "Fernandez never said that because he could not say it, so they invented this thing: we will send soldiers ".

Macri won the debate

Pichetto, in another sense, indicated in the dialogue with Chain 3 that the winner of the debate was the president of the Nation, considering that he showed a "very serene image of the knowledge of subjects and proposals".

"On the other side, like Alberto Fernández, there was more aggression and Chicanas." I saw Lavagna very vague, because in his most important knowledge, the economy, there was no solid explanation for his proposals, "he said.

Report from Orlando Morales.


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