Pichetto went to New York with a political and economic agenda | Chronic


As part of an intense political and economic agenda, the national senator Miguel Ángel Pichetto participated in a series of interviews with law students from the Law School of Yale University in the United States. There, he talked about the current politics of Argentina and Latin America and debated the current context and the rule of law in these countries.

Pichetto also visited the headquarters of the World Jewish Congress where he met with his president of the North American section. Evelyn Summers and directors of this organization for Latin America.

During this meeting, various topics of interest to the Jewish community of the region were discussed, with a particular focus on the policies and security measures in the fight against international terrorism, which our country was the victim of. the attack of the Israeli Embbady in Argentina. and AMIA.

Participants at the meeting discussed the need to advance the exchange of information between the different official security agencies in order to work together and thereby increase the effectiveness of the fight against terrorist organizations. The same has been done with regard to the need to implement a policy of increased migration control and to focus on security measures in the triple border area.

Meanwhile, as part of his program in the United States, Senator Pichetto met with major Wall Street banks and investment funds to badyze the current economic and financial environment in Argentina.

On these occasions, the Speaker of the PJ Senate Bloc has ratified his position that "Argentina will comply with its obligations and disadvantages that it is incumbent upon the country to generate uncertainty as to the willingness to comply".

He stressed that "Argentina is not dead, it will fulfill its obligations and it has a future by developing a strategic sector such as the oil and gas industry – especially Vaca Muerta – and the l & # 39; mining industry, strengthening the sector and other sectors generating real currency for the country ".

"The Peronism of which he was a part always respected the payment of the foreign obligations of the country", He finally declared before banks and investment funds at two different meetings. The one organized by Banco Francés BBVA with funds Black Rock and VR Capital. The other at Barclays Bank headquarters, which was attended by representatives of different investment funds.


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