Pichetto: When Diosdado Cabello speaks, the phone number of the Instituto Patria rang


The Vice-President of Together for Change, Miguel Ángel Pichetto, said Tuesday night that when Chavismo's number two, Diosdado Cabello, warned Alberto Fernández of the origin of the vote on Peronism in Las Paso, " has the phone number of the institute of the homeland "and" there are already difficulties "in Kirchnerism.

Pichetto said Cabello had alerted Fernández (Todos Front candidate to the presidency) last week: "He will not believe he was elected because he is elected" because, according to the Venezuelan official, the only one that included " the Argentine people "was (the former president) Nestor Kirchner".

For the Peronist Senator, "when Cabello speaks, the phone's" Homeland Institute "rang to remind him that he did not win and to tell him that the votes are elsewhere." He referred to the organization considered as the "reservoir of ideas" of Kirchnerism, usually attended by President Cristina Fernández, a candidate for vice-presidency.

This is why, as badured Pichetto on the chain La Nación +, "there are already difficulties" internal to Kirchnerism.

On this same point, the formula partner of President Mauricio Macri reminded that at the Front of All, "they were silent all the time" about the Venezuelan crisis, so he said "that's all the time". it's better to hide it and not talk about it scared because they can not talk. "


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