Picketers ready for a week of events


Barrios de Pie, the CCC and the CTEP will be mobilized Wednesday to social development, in response to rising tariffs and the demand for food plans. there will be claims all over the country Source: Archives – Credit: AFP

The fight between the government and the piqueteros will take place this week in the streets. Social movements

they will mobilize

Wednesday throughout the country "against hunger and tariff", in what will be the first day of national event of the year against the management of

Mauricio Macri.

The epicenter of the event will be held in the city of Buenos Aires, where the organizations that make up the triumvirate piquetero will go to the Ministry of Social Development, which heads

Carolina Stanley,

to request a meeting. The event has the support of the union sectors.

After the torch march against the tariffs that drove the two CTAs and the Moyanisme, it is the social movements that are now trying to capture the government's attention. As part of a national day, the Clasista and Combative Current (CCC), Barrios de Pie, the Confederation of Workers of the People's Economy (Ctep), the Popular Front Darío Santillán and the Front of Organizations (FOL) will mobilize in Salta, Jujuy, Tucumán, Rio Negro, Chaco and Córdoba, among other provinces.

In Buenos Aires, the organizers hope to mobilize more than one hundred thousand people. This could cause a collapse of 9 de Julio Avenue and downtown.

"We demand the equalization of social plans so that they are equal to the subsistence minimum and to the mobile wage," he said.
THE NATION Juan Carlos Alderete, head of the CCC. Today, a beneficiary of a social scheme receives $ 6,000, while the living and mobile living wage is $ 11,300.

Piqueteros also require urgent approval of emergency food laws, family farming, social infrastructure and the addiction emergency. They are also asking for the budget for the law on the urbanization of working clbad neighborhoods.

Piqueteros ask Minister Stanley to open a channel of dialogue. "We want to meet again with the minister to find solutions to the problems," Alderete said. He added: "We expect the whole of January to be called but there was no contact, which is why we mobilized in February".

The government and this sector of social movements have engaged in a fruitful dialogue that allowed December to live with a weak social conflict.

In addition to the piqueteros, the day will be accompanied by different union sectors, such as the two CTAs headed by Hugo Yasky and Pablo Micheli, and by the Federal Workers' Movement, composed of truck driver Pablo Moyano and chief banker Sergio Palazzo. The social movements, meanwhile, seek to add to the day the support of the direction of the CGT, by Hector Daer and Carlos Acuña.


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