Pierre Casiraghi, the ecologist prince who left luxury to undertake a crossing of the Atlantic


Pierre Casiraghi has become the new ally of the young activist for climate change, Greta Thunberg. He gave him his sailboat, Malizia II, to travel with her to New York and participate in the Climate Action Summit to be held on September 23rd. The son of Carolina of Monaco, who will alternate at the helm of his boat, equipped with solar panels, with his racing partner Boris Herrmann, will have to do without all the luxury he is used to two weeks The crossing of the Atlantic lasts with the essential.

As it is a competition boat, Malizia II not ready to welcome people for so long, the team, consisting of Pierre, Greta, 16, father of the activist, a documentary team and Herrmann, must live in "Spartan" conditions. They will use sleeping bags located in the few open spaces of the sailboat; they can not shower they will replace the bathroom with a bucket and they should cook in a small camping oven.

The trip, which began Monday from the UK, will be documented by the cameras that have been following Greta for a few months to prepare. A documentary about his life and his initiatives.

The ship in which the group commanded by the prince travels. (Photo: Reuters / Team Malizia / Document)
The ship in which the group commanded by the prince travels. (Photo: Reuters / Team Malizia / Document)

The captain of the ship, Boris Herrmann, explained to the Italian newspaper Il Corriere della Sera They offered the trip to the teenager when she announced that she would like to go to New York to participate in this important meteorological event, but she did not know how to do it because she was not using any Planes to reduce pollution. The activist accepted the proposal very well. "He did it in a relaxed way, answering that he had taken into account the fact that it would be an exhausting journey and that the important thing was to happen ", Herrmann pointed out.

After pbading through New York and attending the UN summit, the Swedish activist will travel by land to Santiago, Chile to attend another climate conference. Pierre Casiraghi, meanwhile, will return to Europe with Herrmann in the same boat, so in total, between the return flight, will spend nearly a month on the high seas, aboard your ship 18 meters long and a sail of nearly 300 square meters.

This is not the first time that the son of Carolina of Monaco, pbadionate about the sea since his childhood, embarks on an adventure of this kind for a good cause. Last year, he launched the Malizia Ocean Challenge project, raise awareness about ocean pollution and stimulate research. He also organized workshops and conferences in schools in six countries (Germany, France, Monaco, Italy, United Kingdom and United States) to raise children's awareness of the need to take care of the oceans to ensure the sustainability of the ocean. # 39; environment.

The prince, with a part of his family. (Photo: Reuters / Eric Gaillard / Pool)
The prince, with a part of his family. (Photo: Reuters / Eric Gaillard / Pool)

Ecology is a subject that has long been a preoccupation of Pierre and has begun to actively engage in environmental campaigns when, participating in sailing regattas where he is badiduous, he s & # 39; It was realized that the seas were each time dirtier and full of plastics. In an interview published in The Uomo Vogue, said "sad and worried about the direction taken by the United States with respect to the air, the seas and the planet in general".

In addition to these environmental causes, Pierre is also actively involved in projects to promote research on childhood diseases. With this type of initiative, the third son of Carolina of Monaco, married since 2015 with the Italian journalist Beatrice Borromeo, with whom he has two children, comes out of the mold of the royal family known for its holidays and luxury holidays.


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