"Pineapple Challenge": the viral challenge of eating pineapple in champion | Chronic


The "Pineapple Challenge" began to circulate through social networks because of a social network user TikTok In the video, you can see how to peel a pineapple without the need to use cutlery.

People reacted strikingly before this new way of cutting fruit and some were filmed trying to imitate the practice appreciated in the video.

Some of the Twitter users who have tried to meet the challenge fail to cut the pineapple, as shown in the videos.
"What kind of pineapple is this or in what state of ripening is it allowed to eat like that? Apparently, it does not work with any pineapple", some explain in their videos.

The key is that the pineapple is ripe. If the fruit is sufficiently ripe, nothing should prevent it from being eaten without cutting it and peeling it with a knife and fork.


Although Miguel A. Lurueña, PhD in food science and technology, warns in his Twitter profile that "the thing" it lies not only in the degree of ripening of the pineapple, but also (and more importantly) in its variety. "What is shown in the video is a variety of pineapple that is grown in Okinawa (Japan) and is characterized by its easy detachment"says the professional.


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