Pinedo tweeted a false news about Kicillof, apologized but did not delete it


Pinedo shared a picture of Kicillof with the phrase "Venezuela is the case of the most successful income distribution in the world." That was a false news which has already been denied a long time ago.

Along with the image, the senator launched an ironic "like Venezuela", but several users came to his cross spreading lies in the middle of the campaign.

To integrate

They say a sentence of @Kicillofok in favor of the situation in Venezuela that I tweeted, this is false news. If that is the case, I apologize, as a signatory of the commitment against such deplorable practices.

– Federico Pinedo (@PinedoFederico) July 28, 2019

After the critics, the Cambiemos leader wrote a new message apologizing to the former Minister of the Economy: "They say that one sentence from Axel Kicillof in favor of the Venezuelan situation that I tweeted is a false news. If that is the case, I apologize, as a signatory of the commitment made against these deplorable practices. "


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