Piñera called on his compatriots to seek a "social agreement" – News


Just minutes after the start of a new curfew and new scenes of military repression, the President of Chile, Sebastián Piñera, endorsed Monday night his decision to impose the state of Urgency and to militarize the streets. Tuesday will meet with all political parties to "move towards agreements".

"I acknowledge that I spoke loudly, but the duty of the President is not only to guarantee public order, but also to open the doors of dialogue, collaboration and cooperation. goodwill between the sectors that want to follow these paths, "he said. the president in a televised message to the nation.

"I have already met the President of the Senate, the President of the Supreme Court, the Chamber of Deputies and civil society associations.Tomorrow (Tuesday), I will meet the government and opposition parties in order to progress towards a social agreement "He announced in his message that in the street, it was accompanied by new cacerolazos.

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At this Tuesday's meetings, Piñera will propose a series of measures: "Reduce the price of medicines, reduce waiting lists in hospitals, improve care, implement improvements to the pension system and insurance for people. to offset the expenses it represents health for Chilean families ".

In addition, the president announced that his government was working on "a reconstruction plan" to recover "the damage caused by this violence" and thanked Congress for quickly approving the suspension of the increase of the metro ticket that triggered protests last Friday. .

"We want to repair not only physical damage, but also moral damage, and we need to act more quickly in civic dialogue, agreements and collaboration," he said.

In his message, the president explained that the "emergency measures" that he imposed on several cities and regions of the country, which produced a bloody crackdown on the streets, are not "against the citizens but against small groups of criminals ".

"I know that sometimes I have talked a lot about this violence and this crime, understand me, compatriots: I do it because I am outraged to see the damage and the pain that this violence causes", concluded the President, after another day of demonstrations, violence and repression.


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