Piñera spoke of the war and supported the army


"This is not the moment of ambiguities, we must take sides," said the president alongside the army. There are 11 dead since the conflict on the metro

Chilean President Sebastián Piñera said the country was "at war with a powerful and unrelenting enemy", which he blamed for riots that left at least 11 dead, more than 200 wounded and damage important materials.

"We are at war with a powerful and implacable enemy who respects nothing and who is willing to use limitless violence, even when it involves the loss of human lives, for the sole purpose of causing the most possible damage, "Piñera said during a public appearance in front of the press this Sunday night.

"They are at war with all Chileans who want to live in democracy," he added.

"We must take sides and call on all political forces to condemn this crime with total force, some have made it in an ambiguous space, they do not contribute to the peace of our compatriots," said Piñera, who told them has entrusted all the "total support of the government" to nearly 10,000 members of the armed forces and security ready to be monitored.

He added that the authorities had "deployed tremendous efforts" to make Monday "a day as normal as possible", with the permission of one of the subway lines.

"Tomorrow (for today), we will have a difficult day, we are aware that the violent have a degree of organization, logistics, typical of a criminal organization," added Piñera.

"Democracy has an obligation to defend itself," he concluded, then announced "that it is clear that we will win the battle, there is no doubt".

"The country belongs to us all, especially to those who wish to live in peace and freedom, and we have made tremendous efforts to make the next day as normal as possible," Piñera said.

Therefore, he asked the Chileans to show solidarity to help transport.

"I ask all my compatriots to join us in this battle that we can not lose, to help each other to have a normal day tomorrow and finally start winning this battle. We will allow criminals to feel that they own this country, "he said.

The fighting continues

Thousands of demonstrators on Sunday challenged security forces in an area of ​​Santiago, Chile, for more than two hours under curfew, until demonstrators dispersed the protest.

Protesters erected barricades, which they set on fire, in at least four locations near Ñuñoa Square, northeast of the capital, where troops arrested two people.

A graffiti said "The city declares the state of consciousness", in reference to the state of emergency (site) declared by President Sebastián Piñera.

The men in uniform tried to disperse the protesters with tear gas, who threw stones at them and insulted them before retiring around 9:30 pm, chanting the slogan "The united people will never be defeated."

There were officials from the National Institute of Human Rights (INDH) dressed in yellow vests and helmets and gas masks.

They explained to Telam that they were working to deter protesters and avoid excesses of the police and the army, and said they had already filed six complaints against uniforms for excessive detention.

A little further east, in the wealthy municipality of Las Condes, small groups of protesters gathered at the corners with flags and pans and posted a sign saying: "Not to live in Las Condes, we will remain silent ".

Meanwhile, the subway stations were guarded by the army personnel. "The demands are right but the way to express them is incorrect," said one of the military, who called a passerby to withdraw from the area, otherwise he would be arrested.

Gradually, the city turned into a desert, without cars or people, but with traces of clashes: broken billboards, traffic lights, broken lights and smoking vestiges of barricades that gave Santiago an air of war.

The residence of the ambassador of Argentina, just 100 meters from the iconic Plaza Italia, had the entire front painted with slogans.

At age 23, a cacerolazo began to spread on the balconies and windows near Plaza Italia and alerted the police and the army.

The curfew was in effect from June 19 to 6, announced the head of the security operation, General Javier Iturriaga.

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