"Pirate" who fled the United Kingdom to join the Islamic State wants "to return home" | Chronic


A Brit who is pregnant and fled the United Kingdom four years ago to join the extremists of the "Islamic State" group in Syria said in an interview that "wants to go home"although it is not clear if he can do it.

"In the end, I could not do it anymore."he said Shamima Begum after announcing to the British newspaper The Times that she was nine months pregnant and fears for her son's health, after the death due to the illness and malnutrition of her first two children.

"All I want to do is go home to Britain"said the 19-year-old woman from a refugee camp in northern Syria where she was found by the newspaper.

She was one of three students who had escaped from their home in Bethnal Green, near London, in 2015 to travel to Syria to join the IE, while online recruiting group had resulted in several teenagers. join the caliphate.

The three women went to meet a young room that had already joined the group.
Begum said that she and her three companions were married to ISIS extremists in Syria and said that one of them died, believes that at a time when air attack; while the other two saw them two weeks ago.

She said that when she arrived in the Syrian city of Al Raqqa, the one that was the "capital" of the IS, she stayed in a house with other new wives. newly arrived and asked to marry a fighter. "Anglophone between 20 and 25 years old".

Ten days later, he married a 27-year-old Dutchman and has been with him ever since.
Together they fled Baghuz two weeks ago, the last stronghold that controls the IS of their "caliphate", attacked by Kurdish-Syrian autonomous militias backed by bomb attacks by the coalition led by United States.

The two are now, along with 39,000 others, in a refugee camp in northern Syria.
When asked about his life in the "Caliphate", Begum badured that she "a normal life, the life you see in the propaganda videos, normal", he said.

"From time to time, there are bombs and that kind of thing, but other than that …"the qualified woman.

Without reservations, he stated that he did not regret joining the group and that he was not alarmed the first time that he had seen beheading. 39, a victim of extremists.

"That did not baffle me at all (…) I just thought of what I would have done to a Muslim woman if I had had the opportunity"he maintained.

"I do not regret having come"badured Begum and reiterated his desire to return.

The British Secretary of State for Security, Ben WallaceHe said that it is "Worrying" that Begum does not express any remorse and warns that he will face the consequences.

"Any British citizen who has left the country and who has supported terrorist actions in Syria must be prepared when he returns to the country to be interrogated, investigated and possibly formally charged in court"remembers Wallace.

Another possibility is that Begum can have access to a government program designed to de-radicalize repentants and help them integrate into society.

In the end, the young woman – who claims to not be "the same stupid schoolgirl who ran away four years ago" – knows that a hostile welcome awaits her.

"I know what everyone at home thinks of me, since I've read everything that has been written about me on the internet"he remarked. "But I just want to go home to have my son, I'll do everything I can to get home and live quietly with my son.".

According to government figures, about 900 Britons have fled the country to join the SI and it is estimated that 20% of them died, while 50% of the survivors are back.

Shamima Begum after leaving the house.


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