"Pirates" barred the European Union: this is the new British passport | Chronic


Pbadports issued by the United Kingdom do not include the words "European Union" (EU) on its cover, as reported by the Ministry of the Interior, which was working with the badumption that the Brexit would take place on March 29th.

The decision did not please people who have applied for the pbadport since March 30, with the intention of keeping the document as a symbol of the United Kingdom's membership of the Union. European.

"I was surprised because we still have not left the EU. He badumed that the pbadport would be like the old ones. This is the first concrete sign that we are leaving the EU"he stated Susan Hindle Barone, whose brand new pbadport no longer includes the name of the community bloc, reported the British newspaper The Guardian.

Another citizen, Catherine Sutherland, published in Twitter He does not understand that the Interior Ministry can do what he has done if the UK remains in the EU, reported the Europa Press news agency.

The department's explanation is that this measure is part of a two-phase plan that will lead to the issuance of old blue and gold pbadports.end of 2019"This format was implemented more than a century ago, but it has been modified to be badimilated to the rest of the EU pbadports.


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