Piter Robledo leaves the government to study in China


In the run-up to elections, the leader and head of Cambiemos made a key decision.

March 21, 2019

The director of the National Youth Institute, Pedro & Piter & # 39; Robledo, will leave his post in the government of Cambiemos to settle in China, where he will follow a postgraduate course of two years.

In the middle of the most important election year for macrismo, the official will close his pbadage to the civil service next July to visit China. According to the BorderPeriodismo website, he will study for two years a postgraduate course in International Business at Tsinghua University, where he studied the President of the People's Republic, Xi Jinping.

They told him The destape from the environment of the official, the release was announced months ago and she has the support of Mauricio Macri and the Minister of Health and Social Development, Carolina Stanley. They also stressed the importance of the destination country for favorable growth forecasts of its international trade.

Robledo made this decision after applying for a scholarship for which he delayed a lengthy review process. This scholarship was founded in 2016 by the President of the Blackstone Fund, Stephen Schwarzman, former head of the ephemeral policy and strategy council created Donald Trumpand whose goal is to form "world leaders" capable of better understanding Asian power.

According to the portal BorderJournalism, her replacement could be Adriana Cáceres, one of the leaders of the youth PRO.


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