Pity Alvarez's defense is rearmed: witnesses with a reserved identity and a media lawyer on the horizon


While Cristian "Pity" Álvarez is incarcerated in Ezeiza Prison, accused of murdering a neighbor last Thursday at Villa Lugano, his environment moves to to rearm his defense with a new strategy, where they will seek to declare witnesses with a reserved identity.

The singer is under psychiatric treatment, eats without salt and sleeps with anxiolytics, as explained in Central TN . From the Penitentiary Service, they explained that he had not relapsed and that in the last hours he was visited by his mother, a friend and even his former lawyer, Cristian Queijeiro. However, the musician's relatives say that the lawyer never defended him and that he is a "media lawyer".

Monday, Queijeiro told TN.com.ar that he renounced Pity's defense because he was not able to sign a document, but warned that he would continue to visit him because he had permission. of the Prison Service to do so.

Meanwhile, his official defender, Santiago Ottaviano, is working on a strategy that benefits Álvarez. Among the battery of measures that he has in mind, he will advance by asking that witnesses declare with a reserved identity, so they are not afraid to say everything they know about the singer. They will also investigate the criminal record of Cristian Díaz, the victim, to try to determine whether he has been having an altercation with Pity in the past.

For its part, a well-known lawyer is working for the purpose of seizing the case. It's Miguel Ángel Pierri, who represented Jorge Mangeri, the doorman found guilty of the murder of Angeles Rawson. As detailed, even take the case without charging with the intention of achieving visibility.

The photo

This Tuesday appeared an image that shows that the pity and the victim knew each other. In the photo, they are seen hugging and smiling in the Samoré neighborhood, where the singer killed him with four bullets on Thursday at dawn.

According to the sister of the murdered man, this photo was taken a few months ago. "My daughter was following him at the mercy, so when he saw her and had the opportunity, he took pictures." The image is not yet in the record since no one has contributed to the cause. ] Pity Álvarez and Cristian Díaz "src =" http://cdn.tn.com.ar/sites/default/files/styles/embed_image/public/2018/07/17/5b4e908b22415_pity-diaz.jpg "srcset =" / /download.aspx styles / embed_image / public / 2018/07/17 / 5b4e908b22415_pity-diaz.jpg 720w "/>

Pity Álvarez and Cristian Díaz.
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