Pity Álvarez's mother said that "the plan" was that, if he was imprisoned, the singer would commit suicide


Cristina is the mother of Cristian Gabriel Álvarez Congiu, the musician known as

Pity Álvarez
who went to court this morning and confessed to killing Cristian Díaz, 36 years old. "
I killed him because it was him or me. And I think any animal would do the same thing, "he said, but then
He refused to testify.

Cristina, with the lawyer Claudio Calabressi – who advises her – was on an exclusive mobile

New Therapy
and there they explained that this reaction baffled them. "Not every day you go through a situation and the consternation was so great that you did not know where to start," said the mother.

As the attorney recounted, the mother has no contact with the attorney who accompanies Pity. the police station and is "very worried" since "the plan was supposed to be that if he committed an act of this nature, he would commit suicide."

Cristina said that the last time she spoke with her son presented at police station # 52 and he said, "I will act according to plan."
If he was imprisoned for a crime of this magnitude, he preferred to commit suicide.

Calabressi added: "A person gets out of the car of the lawyer who badists him self and incriminates himself when he knows that she has no legal value, the record seems highly suspect ". And he shot, "What is the defense strategy there? I do not understand."

Testimony of Mom

As Cristina explained, Pity had
a complicated relationship with
Cristian Diazquien "harbaded" him, but he clarified, "I do not know what he asked for or what he claimed because they are big men." They had a reason to quarrel and Whenever he met him, it was a reason to harbad him. "

As he said, the person who introduced himself as his lawyer will not defend him in court because" apparently, he was badigned an official defender. "He fired: "You do not get over this situation, the best thing that could happen to you is that you stick to

Pity Álvarez's mother stated that she did not know that her son had weapons: "I do not go out with him, I only took him to the doctor," he said. he said, adding that she was trying to talk to him about

his addiction to drugs

"Sometimes he listened to me and sometimes no, but obviously the subject was discussed," explains the mother, explaining: "He is already a great person who knew his illness and the deterioration that he had and that I could not do it by hand to do a treatment and, moreover, if it required hospitalization in this country, there are no places of contention to make an internment where they make it very clean

In addition, in the past, Pity had hospitalizations but they were "very painful and very confined". He added, "He suffered a lot." It is therefore, according to Cristina, the reason why he did not want to train despite the recommendation of his relatives. "I feel guilty for not being able to help her further."

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