Pizza al Volcano, the curious recipe that is all the rage on social networks | the Chronicle


No gas, no charcoal, no firewood, no grill. Leader David Garcia invention a new way to prepare pizza: Rest the board on the side of an active volcano. Thus created the revolutionary volcano pizza.

When I tasted the flavor of this food made from volcanic heat, I thought to myself: this is a good idea, I can offer tourism a new attraction“, he counted.

For that, Garcia installed on the volcano Pacaya, from Guatemala, which has been active since February. After having made the preparation with the traditional ingredients, place the tray on the rocks and let the more than a thousand degrees of temperature do its work.

“I had a hard time learning the technique so as not to remove the burnt food”the chef said, wearing gloves protecting his hands and thick boots to prevent the heat emanating from the surface from cooking it too. “I also have to see which direction the wind is going so it doesn’t affect me“he explained.

the curious adventure has become a boom thanks to the virality of social networks and this has attracted hundreds of tourists, who make their reservations on Instagram. Many of them praised the taste and crunchiness of the dough when chewing. When it comes to eating out, the pizza at the volcano this is a great option.


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