Plane fell with two Argentineans: they were saved


Two pilots survived a plane crash in Costa Rica. They crashed the plane against a tree and it saved them.

Two Argentine pilots survived a plane crash yesterday, when an aircraft in which they travel crashed into a populated area of ​​the Costa Rican capital.

Authorities and residents of the Pavas area, in western San Jose, explained how the two pilots escaped without problem from the wreckage of the plane, which was destroyed in a street surrounded by houses and a school. "The pilots are doing well, they managed to get out of the plane on their own," Costa Rica Civil Aviation Director Guillermo Hoppe told reporters on the scene. ;accident.

The crew members were identified as Damián Barreira, the pilot, and Cristian Sapún, the 23-year-old co-pilot. Hoppe said that Argentine civil aviation had announced that the Argentines had acquired the plane in the United States with the intention of transporting it to Argentina for short flights, for a month.

"They left the airport (local) Tobías Bolaños and had trouble keeping themselves in the air," added the director. According to him, the pilots had the necessary expertise to search for a free space in the middle of a residential area for the forced landing. While descending, the ship hit a large tree that damped the fall.

Red Cross members who visited the scene of the accident reported that the pilots were slightly injured and were taken to a nearby hospital for treatment. "We are under observation, I have two points above the eyebrow and Cristian has absolutely nothing, let the family remain calm," Barreira said after surviving the accident. "The truth was a complicated situation, lacking engine power," said the pilot.


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