Playing with the language: against the rules of the Royal Academy


In RayuelaWhen they say that they will play in the cemetery, they refer to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). Horacio Oliveira, one of the protagonists of Julio Cortázar's novel, published in 1963, is one that states this vision of the dictionary as the place where words will die. "It's really the necropolis," thinks the character in a famous chapter 41 pbadage. He adds, "I do not understand how hard this bonding is."

When he talks about dictionaries made in Spain, Daniel Link thinks like Cortázar and says that it is there that his rejection comes from the volume that maintains the moribund terms and language policy of the Royal Academy. "In my teenage years I read Rayuela, where the RAE dictionary is subject to all possible humiliations. It is open only to play at the cemetery, "says the Argentine writer and essayist.

Link is a professor at the UBA and at the National University Tres de Febrero. He is the author of more than 40 titles, among which: Sutures Images, writings, life, ghosts. Imagination and society and Poetry at the time of its digital reproducibility.

At the end of this month, he will come to Córdoba to join the First International Meeting: Language Rights as Human Rights, which is proposed as a critical space and disagrees with the Eighth International Congress of Human Rights. the Spanish language (Cile).

Organize an "anti" language congress

In your columns of the newspaper ProfileLink has defined its position of rejection of the Congress of the Spanish Language, whose main leaders are the Royal Academy of Spain and the Cervantes Institute. In August 2018, in a text entitled "Action and Reaction", he expressed his rejection of the imperialist and petty logic that he attributes to the Congress endorsed by the Spanish Crown.

A few weeks ago, in the column "The art of insulting", it was with the corks: he defined the RAE as "infamous" and called the academics "old" chotos "determined to legislate on words that can be used.

"One of the problems on which conquerors will try to impose authority is the inclusive language or strategies of inclusion in language, related to gender policies," Link wrote on the position of the RAE against the use of "x", "@" or "e" instead of masculine.

It should be noted that there will be no table on inclusive language in the Cile program.

In dialogue with Number zeroLink points out: "Naturally, one of the most unpleasant hobbies of academics is the condemnation of inclusive language and the extreme defense of inherited uses, and I do not know how the whole question of inclusive endings will end, but it seems to me today a necessary game, part of the truth will come out of all this. "

The meeting devoted to linguistic rights, organized by the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities of the UNC, includes a series of artistic interventions grouped in the cycle "Malas lenguas" and actions such as "Diccionario sin coronita" ". It will take place from Tuesday 26th to Friday 29th March.

They promote the creation of a "Dictionary without coronary"

Link's presentation at the meeting will take place on Thursday 28th from the 18th at the Venezuelan Pavilion of the University City, alongside Diego Bentivegna and Florencia Garramuño. The painting is called "Language in Latin American Literature".

"I have the intention to talk about the linguistic evolution and some writers who mark the separation of Spain and its imperial illusion of a unified language (and governed by them ", says the writer and the essayist.

He believes that the right to "play with the language" and not to accept the language standards of the Spanish state is one of the key demands of the meeting.

He gives as examples of this playful revitalization to Oliverio Girondo and "gíglico", the language invented by Cortázar (the erotic scene of chapter 68 of Rayuela it is entirely written in this language). Also to the poet Rubén Darío. "Everyone has played with language that exceeds academic standards," he says. That's why they kept him alive. The same thing happens, outside of the cult norm, with popular uses. Play … If a life is played in a speech, what about life versus names? ".

Art and part: "More languages"

A set of artistic initiatives meet under the title of "Bad Languages". Samples, readings, presentations, street action, music and theater make up the program, designed from the call of Malena Tatián, Ives Romero and Ciro del Barco.

"Bad Languages" joins the International Meeting: Language Rights as Human Rights, as a "univocal response to the languages ​​projected by the old colonialist institutions and their hosts in our country".

"These powers seek to make the living word a functional territory with regard to their economic and cultural interests, a territory after a tightening and a control," say the leaders of the cycle that began this week and will last until In late March in several places.

On Friday 15th, at Séptimo Arte (Avenida Roque Sáenz Peña 1423), Indira Montoya will present obri. Saturday 16th, at the Calle La Calle (General Bustos 1000), will take place Putito. Nobody liked so muchor, work directed by Marcos Gabriel García.

In DocumentA / Scenics (Lima 364), you will see He should call Elogio de Amor, written by Gonzalo Marull and directed by Cipriano Argüello Pitt.

Friday 22 to 20 hours, in Bastón del Moro (Chacabuco 483), will open a sample of Tomás Alzogaray, Soledad Sánchez Goldar and Hugo Aveta, among others, chosen by Ciro del Barco. At 21, talk about the book The red libraryand among 22 presentations by Elisa Gagliano and Hernán Boubie, and Negra Marta with Amparo Basualdo.

The Anthropology Museum (avenida Hipólito Yrigoyen 174) will be another meeting place of "Malas lenguas". This Monday, November 25 at 18h, will be presented the Dictionary without crown of the publishing house Sofía Cartonera.

In the Union of Light and Strength (Deán Funes 672), the first "Language Overflow" will be presented on Tuesday 26th at 8:30 pm, with readings by Naty Menstrual, María Moreno and Cuqui; the second, the 27th, will have Claudia Rodríguez, Val Flores and Camila Sosa Villada; the third will be Friday 29 and will move to the university city, with David Aniñir, Daniela Catrileo and Washington Cucurto.

Featured Activities

The meeting will take place from Tuesday 26 to Friday 29 March and will host the Venezuela and Brujas pavilions in the University City Hall and the Union of Light and Power (Deán Funes 672), which will also host an editorial fair. Proposals include discussion tables with local and international academic productions, panels of experts and a closing event. All activities will have a free and free participation. One of the objectives of the meeting is to create a space in which strategies, activities and bibliographical, didactic and fun resources favoring the evaluation and transmission of endangered languages ​​are shared.

Tuesday 26

11: opening of Juan Pablo Abratte and conference of Elvira Narvaja de Arnoux.

12: tribute to Osvaldo Bayer: María Teresa Andruetto, Flavia Dezzutto and Diego Tatián.

18: presentation of the book Mapurbe, David Aniñir.

Wednesday 27

17: table on publishing, gender, language and dissent.

19: discussions on the linguistic norm with José del Valle and Horacio González.

Thursday 28

12: Panel on Language Rights and Communities, with Marisa Censabella, Ana Carolina Hetch, Mariela Tulian and Virginia Unamuno.

18: "Language in Latin American Literature", with Diego Bentivegna, Florencia Garramuño and Daniel Link.

7:30 pm: "Plenary Lecture: Interculturality, Justice and Rights: Human Rights and Linguistic Rights". Rita del Valle Cejas, José Luis Grosso, Pablo Reyna, Agustín Rodríguez and Miguel Rodríguez Villafañe.

21: concert of Liliana Herrero.

Friday 29

11: "When the language is set aside", by Mempo Giardinelli.

12: closing conference: "The glotopolítica like politics: intra and extra-disciplinary actions", by José del Valle

14: Language Policies of the RAE, with Fernando Alfón, Daniela Lauría and Florencia Rizzo.

15.30: languages, gender and dissent, with Marina Mariasch, Emmanuel Theumer, Alejandro Modarelli and Patricia Supisiche.

19: closing festival.

Printed edition

The original text of this article was published on 03/10/2019 in our print edition.


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