Poacher was crushed by an elephant and eaten by lions | Chronic


The violent death occurred Saturday when an elephant crushed a man who was trying to poach a rhinoceros.

Post mortem, a flock of lions ate their remains. The body was found by the guards of Kruger National Park, South Africa's largest game preserve.

Kruger National Park is located northeast of South Africa.

Three friends of the victim, who accompanied her at the time of her death, warned her relatives.

The hunter's family contacted the authorities of the place to find the remains of the victim.

Here are the pants of the victim found in the park.

The rangers found the victim's bloodstained pants and skull, the DNA samples of which were used to recognize the hunter.

The executive director of the park, Glenn Philips He said: "Entering Kruger National Park illegally and on foot is not safe, it is fraught with danger and this incident is a good example."

Philips himself badured what. The three companions of the deceased were arrested and two hunting rifles and ammunition were confiscated for not having a permit. Those arrested will be brought to justice, while an investigation into the case has been opened.


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